HIMIPref™ User Manual
User Data
Creating a Portfolio
Editing a Portfolio
Evaluating a Portfolio
Evaluating Performance
View Menu
Trade Input
Trade Recommendations
Issue Evaluation

Performance Report


View Menu

As noted in the glossary, the performanceMenu|View is

A popup menu available on the performanceMenu of the performanceReport. This menu determines the nature of the data that is to be displayed. Options available are:
  • Account : displays the accountSelectionBox to allow selection of the account which is to be reported
  • Comparator : displays the accountSelectionBox to allow selection of the account to be shown as a comparator
  • Disclosures : Not operable (will become vital when composite calculation is enabled in the system)
  • Period : Allows selection of the period used as a unit in the report (see performanceBox)
    • Raw Data
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly
    • Annual
    • Annualized
  • Time Span : Allows selection of a portion of the period used to prepare the full report
  • Help : Displays this glossary item.

Account Selection

The set of returns to be reported may be selected through either

When issues have been selected for evaluation, the accountSelectionBox displays temporary account numbers that have been assigned to each instrument evaluated. These account numbers use the securityCode of the instruments are of the form "XXsecurityCode". The "Account Name" display of the accountSelectionBox will show the Long Name of each instrument.

When portfolios have been selected for evaluation, the account Number and account Name of the account are shown normally.

In either event, there will be shown one or more temporary accounts used to calculate index returns, listed on the accountSelectionBox with the form "IIIIIIIindexID" for the account number or simply the indexName.

Comparator Selection

The "comparator" is the set of returns to which the main account chosen above will be compared. It is selected in the same way as is the main account.


The "Period" or "Reporting Interval" may be selected by

Raw Values shows the calculation details for the account. As noted in the Performance Calculation section of this manual, an evaluation of the account value is required at:

  • Month-ends (as defined by the index, and
  • Cash-flow dates

This screen is made available for the user in order to allow the subsequent calculated values shown by the performanceReport to be reconciled.

Monthly Values show the results of the calculation on a monthly basis. As indicated in the Performance Calculation section, the return over a complete period (in this case, one month) is obtained by multiplying the return factors for any included sub-periods.

In this report (as well as in those which are described later, for longer periods), the return for the comparator over the same time period is displayed, as well as the difference between the returns of the main account and the comparator.

Quarterly Values shows the quarterly results in standard format.

Annual Values shows the annual results in standard format.